Shangjie Yang

Universidade de São Paulo

Rua do Matão, 1010 – CEP 05508-090, São Paulo, Brasil

e-mail: shjyang (at)     yashjie (at)

I am a postdoctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Leonardo T. Rolla in Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo. Before that, I was a postdoc
hosted by Prof.
Gidi Amir and Dr. Naomi Feldheim in Bar-Ilan University, hosted by Prof. Tertuliano Franco in UFBA, and a Ph.D student under the supervision
of Prof.
Hubert Lacoin at IMPA. Here are my CV and thesis:
Mixing time for interface models and particle system (slide).

I am mainly interested in probability theory and statistical mechanics. In particular, my research focuses on Markov chains and mixing times, random polymer models, interacting particle systems, random walks in random environments, Gaussian random functions, etc.

8. S. Yang, Cutoff of the simple exclusion process with inhomogeneous conductances

[Arxiv] submitted for publication.

7. S. Yang, The spectral gap and principle eigenfunction of the random conductance model in a line segment

[Arxiv] submitted for publication.

6. Y. Wang, K. Xiang, S. Yang, and Lang Zou, The High-Order Corrections of Discrete Harmonic Measuresand Their Correction Constants

[At publisher] [Pulished version] Journal of Statistical Physics. 191:81 (2024).

5. N. Feldheim and S. Yang, Typical height of the (2+1)-D Solid-on-Solid surface with pinning above a wall in the delocalized phase

[Arxiv] [At publisher] [Pulished version] Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 165 (2023), 168-182.

4. G. Amir and S. Yang, The branching number of intermediate growth trees

[Arxiv] Accepted by Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics.

3. H. Lacoin and S. Yang, Mixing time for the asymmetric simple exclusion process in a random environment

[Arxiv] [At publisher] [Pulished version] Annals of Applied Probability. 34(1A): 388-427 (February 2024).

2. H. Lacoin and S. Yang, Metastability for expanding bubbles on a sticky substrate

[Arxiv] [At publisher] [Pulished version] Annals of Applied Probability. 32(5): 3408-3449 (October 2022).

1. S. Yang, Cutoff for polymer pinning dynamics in the repulsive phase

[Arxiv] [At publisher] [Pulished version] Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques. 57(3): 1306-1335 (2021).

Teaching assistant at IMPA:

1. Probability 1 (03/2018-06/2018)

2. Stochastic process (the second half) (10/2019-11/2019)

   (The first half was given by Leandro Chiarini, 8/2019-9/2019)

3. Markov chains and mixing times (01/2020-02/2020)

Teaching at UFBA:

1. (Minicourse) Mixing time for interface models and particle system (Nov/2021-Jan/2022)


1. Markov chains and mixing times (D. Levin and Y. Peres)

2. Markov chains (J. Norris)

3. Mixing times for interface models and particle system (S. Yang)

Link of the minicourse in UFBA (google meet link)

2017-2021, Ph.D. student, IMPA

2015-2017, Master student, IMPA

2013-2014, Master student (dropout), Nankai University

2009-2013, Undergraduate student, Sun Yat-sen University

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